Friday, May 1, 2009

Water Efficient Landscaping.

It has been estimated that nearly 50 percent of the water
used by the average household goes for the outdoor land-
scape and turfgrass areas. Any improvements that
homeowners make to conserve water in the home landscape
can result in significant savings.
Reducing outdoor water use doesn’t mean replacing
lawns and trees with plastic and gravel, or turning flower
gardens into cactus gardens. Water conserving landscapes
don’t have to look any different or cost any more than water
wasting ones. A well thought-out design, along with soil
improvement, careful watering, use of mulches, and proper
selection of plants can make a big difference in your water
Even when water is in ample supply, reducing water use
is a good idea. It lessens the demand on rural and municipal
water supplies and treatment plants. It can greatly decrease
your maintenance time and equipment costs. Also, a
landscape with a record of low water bills may add to the
resale value of your home.
Here's 5 easy steps:
1. Make a plan.
2. Improve soil conditions.
3. Choose appropriate quality plants.
4. Water slowly, deeply and infrequently.
5. Make use of mulch.

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